How to be Happier for Entrepreneurs

Join our Facebook group for free and learn the strategies to transform your life to achieve the happiness and freedom you deserve.

Open your new gym break-even or profitable

Join our Facebook group for free and learn the strategies to run a pre-sales campaign and open your fitness or wellness business already break-even or profitable

Reduce Risk

Maximize Revenue

Grow Faster

To Open a Fitness or Wellness Business, You Need a Proven Plan

Even though the industry's blowin' up, lots of owners still can't make it work. Why?...

  • It might be difficult to attract and keep members.

  • Managing cash flow is hard, especially during the first months.

  • Recruiting and maintaining talented employees is tricky.

  • Getting the word out about a new gym is more challenging than it seems.

When you have a step-by-step plan for how to do pre-sales, you're on the right track to succeed. Get a head start in this competitive market and build the business you've always wanted.

Hello, I'm Brad Chandler, your Happiness Coach!

During my efforts to help my son overcome his extreme anxiety I found out that I had unresolved trauma from my childhood. That unresolved trauma caused my subconscious mind to rule my life by a set of untruths – mainly that I wasn’t worthy – causing a lack of self-love and self-compassion. Those untruths dominated my life, costing me two marriages, $9M in business mistakes, the use of alcohol and marijuana to escape, amongst many other negative things. I had the yacht, the big house and a luxury vehicle yet I wasn’t fully happy, free or fulfilled.

Through a transformative exercise and ongoing meditation and neural reprogramming I was able to find self-love and self-compassion and I no longer allow those untruths to affect my life. I was literally and figuratively born again. I found true freedom! I have now created a proven process that will allow you to do the same. If you are ready for change and are willing to look at things from a different perspective click the button below and join our group today.

Hello, my name is Allan Grossmann, I’m a your new PreSales to Profit coach

I used to struggle with my early fitness businesses, but I've seen massive success after mastering pre-sales strategies. I currently own six wellness and martial arts gyms and am in the process of opening several more.

So, I thought, why not share my learnings? That's why I created a Facebook group exclusively for Wellness & Fitness Business Owners who want to open new locations profitably.

Now, if you're not a Wellness & Fitness Business Owner, don't worry, we still love ya', but this group is just for the cool kids.

If you're in the club, though, this group could be the best thing that's ever happened to you. You'll get access to insider information and proven strategies to open new locations that are at least break even.

Plus, you'll be able to connect and collaborate with other badass business owners in the wellness and fitness industry.

Joining our Facebook Group You will Get


Connect with fellow members who are facing similar challenges and share your journey towards improving your life and finding happiness together.

Valuable information and resources

Our group provides valuable tips, effective strategies, and helpful resources that can support you in your pursuit of happiness and freedom.

Support and accountability

Get ready to join a friendly and supportive community where you can freely ask questions, share your ups and downs, and receive feedback and encouragement from other awesome members!

Free of charge

Joining the group is completely free, which makes it a low-risk, high-reward opportunity for entrepreneurs looking to learn and connect with likeminded members.

As witnessed by our proud mothers in:

Your 3-Step Plan to Learn Top Pre-Sales to Profit Strategies

1.Join the Group

As easy as click the button.

2.Learn the Method

See our strategies and useful information from other business entrepreneurs.

3.Open At Break Even+

Keep getting insights and feedack while you execute your pre-sales

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